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How much does ABS plastic cost?

ABS is also relatively inexpensive (prices, currently around $1.50 per pound, typically fall somewhere between those of Polypropylene ("PP") and Polycarbonate (“PC”). ABS plastic is not typically used in high heat situations due to its low melting point.

Why did the price of ABS fall in the US?

The price of ABS in the United States fell in the quarter ending March 2023, owing to abundant stockpiles and slower inquiries in the downstream automotive and other competitive industries. Furthermore, rising interest rates and negative consumer purchasing sentiments weighed on ABS offers in the US market.

What are the key cost drivers of ABS?

Some of the key cost drivers of ABS may include: ABS is made from a blend of three monomers: acrylonitrile, butadiene, and styrene. Fluctuations in the prices of these raw materials can impact the overall cost of ABS. ABS production typically requires a significant amount of energy, so changes in energy prices can also affect the cost of ABS.

What were ABS prices in Q1 2022?

ABS prices were recorded in the US market on FD basis at USD 3050 per tonne by Q1 end. Prices of ABS remained uncertain in the Asian region. In China, values decreased by 6% during Q1 of 2022 amid the low demand from downstream industries. ABS spot Shanghai prices settled at USD 2320 per tonne.

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